If you have instant death enabled, the satellite may die. Once and for all.Like regular soldiers, companions take place in a unit / army. Therefore, you can only hire a limited number of them.And often each of them requires a higher payment. For each satellite you will have to pay several dinars – from 1000 to 2500.You can equip each companion separately, assigning weapons and armor to him in the same way as the main character. What cannot be done with regular soldiers.You can give companions and several soldiers a number of tasks. While they are doing them, it will be easier for you to focus on other missions.They can lead their own squads, which you will have to create as your clan develops.Their skills are automatically applied to yours or another group, granting bonuses to all units.Here are some reasons why companions are better than other units and why they should be included in a group: However, like the rest of Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, which is in early access on Steam, the companion system is not finalized. You only get access to a limited number of satellites, and each of them is randomly generated and unique for the current campaign. Taleworlds has a lot of plans for where the game will take. So, the developers want to independently create some satellites who will have not only a background, but also a storyline, be individual personalities.

Basic mechanicsĬompanions are very similar to regular soldiers in your army, although there are some differences. For example, everyone has their own name, background, and skill set. These skills make companions such valuable characters and the best addition for the clan, since all their bonuses apply to the entire army as a whole (if the companion moves with you) or to another group to which you assigned him to the role of head. Like your hero, companions earn experience points and level up. This is why it is so important to hire as many companions as possible from the very beginning of the campaign: in this case, they will develop parallel to your hero.

In this guide, you will learn where to find new companions and how to know if their skills are appropriate for your particular case. Where to look for new companions, how to equip them, the main reasons why any companion is more useful than a regular unit: in this guide we have collected answers to these and other questionsĬompanions in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord are unique characters that you can recruit as regular units. In the future, the companion can be used as part of an army / squad or sent to independently complete quests that bring dinars (in-game currency). In M&B, you can be a first-class warrior, but you have absolutely no understanding (have low skills) in managing troops or a clan, and just these shortcomings can be compensated for by a well-chosen companion. That is why a retinue of unique companions is several times more effective than ordinary units hired in cities and villages.